Money Marriage & Motherhood:

How Not To Get Fucked Over' Coming Soon!

Join The Wait List For The Official Launch In 2025

Liz wants to do more than just help those who HAVE gone through a tricky divorce to heal. She wants to stop the epidemic of women getting a bad deal out of divorce and for many, being forced into a lower socio-economic class and standard of living when they have worked so hard raising the children and looking after the home.

Whether they have contributed directly to the family finances in the way of a salary or not, they are routinely vilified for their lack of contribution, where as in actual fact, the value of their sacrifice towards the care of the family rarely gets rewarded, at least not willingly.

The only way to get over this is to highlight and alert both women AND men, primary carers AND breadwinner, as to the dangers of giving up financial security and independence, and/or having a plan to mitigate potential losses if the choice to be a stay-at-home-parent is made.

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